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earn(make ) one’s living
谋生  detail>>
earn one’s daily bread = earn a living
维持生计  detail>>
earn a living
谋生 挣饭吃  detail>>
earn a living by
靠谋生  detail>>
earn a living as a carpenter
靠木工手艺营生  detail>>
opportunity to earn a living
生活出路  detail>>
to work means to earn a living
工作就是为了生活  detail>>
toil to earn a living
勤劳谋生  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 (锛子) short axe; adz; adze Ⅱ动词 (用锛子削平木料) cut with an adze  短语和例子  &...  detail>>
he began to earn a living early
他很早就开始自行谋生  detail>>
earn one’s bread
赚钱养家糊口  detail>>
the living one
转世者  detail>>
chapter one living in america
住在美国  detail>>
tina turner one of the living
最佳摇滚女艺人  detail>>
阿克 阿气 安家 奥克 密钥交换 日外 耀 朱  detail>>
 vt.  1.赚得,挣得。 2.获得,赢得,博得(名声)。  短语和例子   a well-earned r...  detail>>
four generations living under one roof
四世同堂  detail>>
 adj.  1.活着的,生存着的;有生命的;在活动中[起作用]的;在使用中的。 2.活泼的,生动的;生气勃勃的,旺盛的;强烈的,猛烈的。 3.天然的...  detail>>